
The BJBS Publishing Prize 2024

The British Journal of Biomedical Science is excited to announce a new award for biomedical Scientists at the start of their research career. The BJBS Publishing Prize aims to inspire biomedical scientists at the start of their research careers to submit their research to the journal.

The BJBS Publishing Prize will be awarded by the journal to the lead author for the best Original Research or Review paper published in the British Journal of Biomedical Science. Those who would like to be considered for this award are asked to submit their manuscript to a special issue.

Submissions covering any aspect within the scope of the journal are welcome however the Editorial Board particularly welcomes submissions on: cancer, the microbiome, cardio-vascular disease, infectious diseases, or technological advances.

The winner of the BJBS Publishing Prize will receive a year’s free membership to the IBMS which includes free publication in the journal, the winning author will be featured in the Biomedical Scientist magazine and will be considered for a talk at the proceeding IBMS Congress. The winner will also be presented with the award at a suitable occasion such as at the IBMS Congress, Branch meeting or similar.

Entrants should be less than five years post- Professional Doctorate or PhD. To be considered please submit your manuscript by 1 July 2024.

See here for full details - https://www.frontierspartnerships.org/research-topics/81/the-bjbs-publishing-prize-2024#overview



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